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Full Mouth Rehabilitation For Repairing And Correcting Your Different Dental Issues

Date :26/03/2019

Full mouth rehabilitation is a completely individualized treatment.
Full Mouth Rehabilitation For Repairing And Correcting Your Different Dental Issues.
The aim of full mouth rehabilitation treatment is to optimize the oral health of your entire mouth. This treatment focuses on both your teeth and gums. The full mouth rehabilitation treatment is done to bring changes in both your aesthetic appearance as well as oral health. The treatment provides you with a complete set of new teeth that allows you to smile and chew confidently.

Who are the best candidates for this treatment?

Teeth can fall or get damaged due to several reasons. A severe disease, lack of proper maintenance, in-born incorrect teeth structure or other gum diseases can lead to uneven teeth structure. Erosion of multiple teeth can hamper your oral health. Following are the candidates who should go for this treatment:

  • People who have lost teeth in both the upper and lower teeth line.
  • People who have multiple broken and discoloured teeth.
  • People who have lost teeth due to accidents or age.
  • People whose gums are too much visible protruding out.
  • People who do not want to use any aligners or veneers.

How beneficial is full mouth rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation may involve periodontal therapy, dental restorations, root canal therapy, tooth replacement, bone or tissue grafting and dental implantation. Depending on the severity of your teeth structure, the dentist will plan the treatment.

As this the ultimate teeth treatment, it has several benefits:

  • Most importantly it enhances your look. As the implants and porcelains are customized according to your face, it provides a naturally beautiful look.
  • Along with your teeth, the gum deformities are also corrected.
  • The dental implants are permanently fixed into your jaw bones. Therefore there is no risk or loosening of the teeth.
  • The procedure also aims at jaw bone restoration. Therefore it maintains steadiness.
  • The procedure increases your overall oral hygiene and provides you with a new set of teeth that are free from cavities and germs.

full mouth rehabilitation chennai

Where can you go for multiple tooth implants in Chennai?

Dr Vivek’s MSRam’s Dentistry is a one-stop destination for all your dental solutions. The clinic offers the best Full Mouth Rehabilitation in Chennai. We use the latest technological advancements in various treatments to provide safe and effective solutions for our patients. If you are looking for the best dental implant center in Chennai.

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